Friday, March 21, 2014

Summer Essentials

Summer is fast approaching. Battling the heat and the problems that accompany excessive sweating is something you can’t be ignored if you don’t want your health to come in the way of your plans. Inflammations, muscle fatigue, dehydration, eye disorders, the list is endless.Here are some essentials you must have with you throughout the summer.

10. Face wipes

You are walking towards your car from the shopping mall. It’s hot and you are sweating. You don’t want to use your handkerchief because you have sneezed into it a couple of times and using your sleeves will just attract disgusted looks from the others. Before you can figure out what to do, a drop of sweat rolls down your eyebrows and falls into your eye. Ouch! That stings, doesn’t it? Well, you could have avoided it. Keep a small of face wipes in your pocket or your purse. They are available for different skin types and usually have the all in one ingredients feature. Having a pack of face wipes will help you get rid of all the dirt and sweat that may lead to blackheads and rashes. Pre-moistened face wipes are the best choices as they leave your face feeling cooler.

9. Onions

The only food product that is included in this list. It has interesting advantages in preventing, controlling and curing heat strokes.  Inflammations and reddening of the skin are common symptoms of heat strokes. The juice of onions can be applied on the affected areas and it will work miracles. Before you step out of the house, the following recipe is beneficial. Cut an onion into pieces, roast in an open pan, add one-third teaspoon of cumin powder and one teaspoon of sugar. Eating this will help you stay away from heat strokes. Onions have a natural cooling effect. An easier way to use them as a shield from heat strokes is to simply eat them raw.

8. Face wash

A good quality face wash having SPF will help you keep your face sweat free. Sweat accumulation is a major reason behind rashes and sunburns. Moreover using a face wash will help you keep your face clean and make you feel fresher during the hot and humid conditions. Being sweat free is the most important step to stay comfortable. A gentle face wash is the best. You will need to use it three to four times a day and a harsh face wash might strip your facial skin off its precious moisture leaving it excessively dried. An organic face wash should be preferred over chemical ones. Before buying, be sure to look out for sodium lauryl sulphates as they may be carcinogenic depending upon the other ingredients of the product.

7. Lip Balms

The sizzling heat will soon dry up all the moisture from your lips, which are even more sensitive than skin, unless you use lip balms. You would not want talking to a person only to realize that your dried and scaling lips are diverting all of the person’s focus! Again, SPF present in the lip balms will help to guard them from the harmful radiations in the sunlight. As opposed to popular notion, petroleum jelly is not a good lip balm. Petroleum locks in excess moisture but does not treat dryness. Beeswax, jojoba oil, coconut oil, hemp oil and Shea butter are ideal protectors of your lips. Lip balms containing nanoparticles should be avoided.

6. Footwear

No matter how long you walk, as soon as your feet start sweating, they will swell. It should be ensured that your feet are not too tight fitting as they may lead to corns and other maladies. Leather shoes are a great choice for summers. It is soft and porous. It has remarkable absorption ability. Moreover, it has the property to adjust to the shoe wearer’s shape of the foot. Shoes should also be made of breathable material such as canvas or leather. It should be made certain that the footwear you are using are dry and clean because damp and unclean footwear might lead to fungal infections.

5. Water Bottles

Sweating causes a lot of water from the body. Water helps in maintaining the balance of fluids and essential minerals in the body. Failure of cells to retain the balance of fluids will result in muscle fatigue. Water is extremely important for the thermoregulation of our bodies. Going long periods of time without drinking water will quite possibly cause dehydration. Excessive sweating and inadequate water intake will have adverse effects on the kidneys. Carrying a water bottle along whenever you go out of the house will help you stay hydrated. Care should be taken that you should drink water at regular intervals and the water should not be too chilled.

4. Cotton Clothes

For both men and women cotton shirts are the best choice for summer wear. It is breathable. Allows sweat to evaporate easily and is perfect for the hot climate. Irritating rashes are most commonly caused when sweat accumulates. It is a very uncomfortable condition and it can easily be prevented by using cotton clothes. Cotton assists in drawing heat away from the skin and keeps the skin dry. It helps you cool down in every sense of the word. Moreover, it is hypoallergenic and dust mite resistant. So if you are asthmatic or constantly have to scuffle with allergic attacks due to dust, cotton is no less than a saviour.

3. Hat

Hats are stylish and go a long way in serving the need of protecting your scalp and face from the blistering heat of the sun. Time from 11 am till 4pm should be avoided and if you do decide to go out during this interval, don’t ever forget to take a hat with you. Keeping the scalp cool is essential in preventing heat strokes. Sunburns are also easily caused when the face is left exposed to the glare of the sun. Hats cover the areas usually neglected while applying sun screens such as the neck and the top of the ears. Sporting a designer sun hat with a strap that keeps it firmly on your head even on the windiest of days will attract admiring looks, both for your sense of style and wisdom, as you walk down the street.

2. Sunglasses

Photokeratitis, cataracts and damaging of the eye tissues are care caused by exposure to the sun and its perilous Ultra Violet radiations. Corneas are the easiest part of the eye to be damaged by sunlight. The next level of seriousness is the effect on the eye lens. Macular degeneration is caused by cumulative overexposure of UV radiations and certainly leads to blindness. These diseases are usually consequences of direct exposure to the sunlight over years. Hence, it’s never too late to use sunglasses and care about the health of your eyes. When you go to a shop and look at all the branded shades and imagine how people would be looking at you while you confidently stroll around donning those fashionable sunglasses, remind yourself that it’s protection first and style later. There is nothing better than opting for a sunglass that provides a safety up to 400 nanometres which is the maximum level of safety from Ultra Violet radiations in the sunlight. Polarized sunglasses do not necessarily protect from UV radiations but they do cut down on glare so they can be used when better alternatives are not available. After all, something’s better than nothing, isn’t it?

1. Sunscreen

Skin cancer is a major problem that is caused due to overexposure of the skin to UV radiations of the Sun. Using sunscreens is beneficial. Care should be taken that the product contains minimum quantities of SPF-15. Care should be taken while applying. Eyes should be avoided. If it gets into the eyes, immediately wash thoroughly with cold water. A good sunscreen should also provide protection against UVB rays. UVB rays are rays of shorter wavelengths and cause sunburns and tanning which are other major concerns after skin cancer. It should be liberally applied at least 20 minutes before letting the sunrays fall over your exposed skin. Make it a point to reapply the sunscreen after every two hours, especially if you are sweating.

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